Saturday, October 30, 2010


Jessica and I have been researching Bullying all semester and have come up with many ideas for a service learning project…we originally wanted to go to an elementary school and give presentation on bullying…but given our hectic school and work schedules we do not have the time to do so…so I thought to myself our blogs have only been shared with our classmates why not share them with everyone else!

We have been so focused on just “researching” on bullying and what we know about it and our experiences we did not take a look at what it really is like in real life.

So we want you to share your experiences with us on our blog…Please tell us about any experiences at all you have had with bullying…you may have been bullied, you may have been the bully, you may know someone who is/has been bullied, you may not know anyone personally but you want to reflect on the recent news reports on the multiple bullying cases that have been reported this past year , or you may just want to give your thoughts on bullying or share what you know about bullying with us…you can comment anonymously, leave your real name or make up a fake name however you want to do it, but we really want to hear from you so please comment away!

Thank you,

Nicole and Jessica


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this is fantastic...good luck girls.
    Cousin Michelle

  3. I think a bully is a mean sick person who prives off the sadness of others to make them self feel better about them selfs and to knock others down so they seem better than them or already think they ate better than other or they are just plane mean and enjoy hurtting others it is sick and wrong and saids hey look at me I'm a asswhole but to them it saids ha I win I got to you best thing to do is inor them stand up for your self and to them and be strong sooner or later they will know they can't get to you and will loose intrest and go after someone elce

  4. There is a growing epidemic of young people killing themselves for a number of reasons. Some of them were outed before they were ready to come out. Others couldn’t take the constant harassment they received from peers. We have to reach out the both the bullied and the bullies themselves to stop this trend from growing. We must let our children know that there is nothing wrong with being different and that acceptance is not a bad thing. Acceptance and diversity are some of the things that have made America a great country.
