Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hey Guyssss SO this is a video I made and posted to the ELLEN SHOW website in order to have a chance to be on the show! I want her to help me become a motivational speaker about my past dealing with bullying and I want to help other bullied children. I hope this worksss!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Jessica and I have been researching Bullying all semester and have come up with many ideas for a service learning project…we originally wanted to go to an elementary school and give presentation on bullying…but given our hectic school and work schedules we do not have the time to do so…so I thought to myself our blogs have only been shared with our classmates why not share them with everyone else!

We have been so focused on just “researching” on bullying and what we know about it and our experiences we did not take a look at what it really is like in real life.

So we want you to share your experiences with us on our blog…Please tell us about any experiences at all you have had with bullying…you may have been bullied, you may have been the bully, you may know someone who is/has been bullied, you may not know anyone personally but you want to reflect on the recent news reports on the multiple bullying cases that have been reported this past year , or you may just want to give your thoughts on bullying or share what you know about bullying with us…you can comment anonymously, leave your real name or make up a fake name however you want to do it, but we really want to hear from you so please comment away!

Thank you,

Nicole and Jessica

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why does this happen?!

These are my critical attributes and I used a new article that I had found in the globe about a girl who was bullied at school. WHen I came across this I cried because her life and what she went through was exactly how I felt at her age and I could truly sympathize with her. I wish that I could write her a letter to tell her I know how she feels. It does get better. Anyway... the LINK is in my assignment!

1.       The critical attributes strategy is a process that allows students to be able to distinquish between what is important and what is not important in a large body of information. It allows students to make clear cut definitions and form their own opinions. The facts allow them to truly be able to gather all information.
·         The idea of students bullying and what can be done to stop it is more critical than what they are actually saying and doing when they bully her.
·         What are her grandmother’s ideas towards what would be helpful?
·         Where did the school go wrong? Or are they right?
       2B.  What did the girls call her? Why Lexi? Did Lexi ever try to fight back?
3.       I am very involved in this topic. Her story is much like mine, it is actually earily similar. I know what it feels like to have an entire cafeteria turn and stare when someone is snickering or yelling at you. I know what it feels like to walk around school and constantly feel like you are being followed. It hurts and it’s scary. I agree with her when she says that it’s easier to just believe the people.
4.       I think that hearing other peoples stories gets me fired up a lot. It makes me want to meet each and every one of these students that are bullied. I want them to know that they are not alone. I want them to help me sharing our stories to maybe be able to bust bullies. Even if we give a speech in a room to 500 little bullies. Even if just one decides to stop, then we have done something.   I feel like when you are invested or fired up in a topic your interest level peaks. TO me this is a perfect example. I feel like allowing students to talk about coping skills and steps to diffuse a bully and get help is a great discussion topic.
5.       Keeping students on the central topic of what are coping skills and steps to get help will keep it away from the debate of what is right and what is wrong about bullying. It also would keep students away from the topic  of, whether or not the school and Lexi’s grandmother handled it correctly.
6.       1.  How do you feel when you see a child being bullied?
2. What would you do if you were put in that situation, as the person being bullied or someone else who saw it?
3. What can a school do to cut down on bullying?

Assignment 7A

1. What is critical attributes strategy?
Critical attribute strategies focus on transmitting the procedural knowledge of identifying the essential elements of a concept so that students do not form inaccurate concepts and ultimately inadequate ideas and insufficient beliefs that are necessary to be affective citizens.
2. critical attributes
· Bully: a person who harasses someone for being different.
· Cyber Bullying: to harass or threaten someone via internet.
· Suicide: the act of killing yourself.
· Anti-bullying: people, groups or individuals who are against bullying and want to put an end to it.
3. What is your level of passion in this topic and/or your detached objectivity?

I am very passionate about bullying, it is something that I feel is absolutely wrong and anyone who is caught doing the bullying should be severely punished. As you know my service learning plan Jessica has shared some of her past experiences with bullying and every time I hear her story it makes me so sick to my stomach that someone would do that to her. Bullying has always been around but it has never been in the media as much as it has been this past year. At least once every month there is another suicide death relating to bullying and it makes me upset. There really isn’t much that needs to be preached about bullying other than it is wrong and the bullies need to be stopped and punished. But my goal and Jessica’s goal in our service learning project is to inform everyone about what bullying is, how it happens and where it happens, and ways you can you prevent it from happening. I would never force my beliefs on someone who doesn’t want to hear them but I would hope that everyone would want to learn more about bullying and how we can prevent it .
4. Do you think a level of passion gets you more fired up to want to learn it? How can this be tempered and harnessed at the same time?
Yes I do think a level of passion does get you more fired up to learn more about it. This type of learning can be tempered and harnessed by allowing the students discuss what they feel but they have to make sure that it is in way that it will not hurt others. You want students to have a level of passion about a topic so that they become involved and want to learn you don’t want them to want to seek revenge.
5. How can you avoid a discussion in your classroom becoming a debate?
you can avoid a discussion in your classroom from becoming a debate by discussing and ensure that they understand that there are many perspectives to an issue and everyone is entitled to their opinion and nobody is wrong no matter what they consider to be right or wrong.
Why are kids being bullied?
How can we prevent bullying?

What should the consequences of being accused of bullying be?
Who is responsible for reporting bullying?