Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nicole's Service Learning Project Reflection...

For my service learning project I really wanted to get a look at other people's views on bullying and I really wanted to hear other people's stories about their experiences with bullying. So I decided to post a blog asking friends, family, classmates, and colleagues to come to our blog and leave a comment on their experiences with bullying or what they know or think about bullying. I posted the link to my blog in my Facebook status several times over the course of a week asking people to stop by our blog and leave a comment, I also messaged people on Facebook, and gave a class announcement to have my classmates leave a comment on our blog. unfortunately I only got 2 responses and they were on what they thought about bullying, they left very good thought out comments but I was hoping for more comments on peoples experiences. If I had the ability to network more I would of loved to get our blog out there so that people can come and share their experiences with other people and share information on bullying as well. Ultimately given the time and the ability I would like to see our blog become a place where people who are being bullied or were bullied can come and talk and realize that they are not alone and they can get help.

Had it had the chance to spread wider than me and my Facebook friends I think this project would have a very strong impact on the greater good. I think this because like I said before it would be a place were victims of bullying can come and share their stories, learn about ways to get help and realize that they are not alone and they CAN get help.

I really liked the idea of the service learning project I think if given more time to actually research and go out and do a service learning project it would have made it an even better experience. I have done something like this in the past for Sociology and it was a great learning experience.

I think service learning projects are a great way to get students involved in a current controversial topic. If I were to teach in a upper grade level classroom i think it would be a great thing to do. It teaches students so much, like researching, how to get involved and so much more.

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